This Milky Goodness Antenatal Colostrum Expressing Kit contains all the items you need for antenatal expressing and to store your colostrum (liquid gold) in preparation for your little one's arrival! Antenatal expressing is also a great way to get familiar with your anatomy and becoming comfortable hand expressing.Contains:
- 11 Syringes of 4 volumes
- 11 Syringecaps
- 30ml measuring cup with lid syringelabels
- How to info card
- Breast Milk Storage Magnet
Antenatal Colostrum Expressing Kit | Antenatal expressing
This product is great for your third trimester of your pregnancy. It will be time to start thinking about building a stash of that amazing liquid gold otherwise known as colostrum! This is also a great time to start practicing the techniques you will need to hand express! It is a learned technique so the longer you continue to hand express and collect your colostrum, the easier it will get! Antenatal expressing is also a great way to get familiar with your anatomy and becoming comfortable hand expressing.